Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Factors to consider when choosing Laptop Coolers

Laptop cooler’s sole purpose is to do one thing and one thing only, to cool down your laptop so that it doesn’t overheat and break down. Laptop coolers were designed with the purpose of blowing cool air towards your laptop to reduce the heat emitted from the internal system.

5 Factor to consider when choosing Laptop Coolers

Price - Choosing the best laptop cooler is not based on its price, there are good laptop coolers that can perform well as expensive ones. Since most of them can function equally. So you should pick one that is affordable and yet possesses a heigh quality.

Durability - You should choose the laptop cooler which are durable if possible with  a design that wont easily clogged up and is easy to clean, in such way you can get the most value of your money. 

Quietness - a noisy laptop cooler fan can be irritating. It is better that you should try to test it out before you buy it.

Portability and Size - The best laptop cooler should be very light in weight and can be powered through a USB port for energy.
When ever you are going to buy a laptop cooler, choose the appropriate size.

Cooling Power and Design - Some laptop coolers have multiple fans that make it more powerful than one with just a single fan. The positioning of the fans are important as well. Is it directly positioned where your laptop gets hot? How well does it keep your laptop cool? Two other key factors to examine are angle of the laptop cooler and the material of its surface. Is the laptop cooler angled to allow air to pass between the laptop and the laptop cooler? Is the laptop cooler made of plastic, metal or aluminum? This can greatly affect the cooling power of the laptop as well.

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